No Driver’s Licence On Ticket

Inquiry:   I got a ticket for “proceed contrary to sign at intersection”. However, the cop did not put my license# on the ticket. Is this a valid ticket and do I have to pay it? Response:  Ignoring the ticket and not paying it could carry some very serious...

Speeding Ticket With Wrong Date Of Offence

Inquiry:   Hi I received my first speeding ticket yesterday (speeding 60km in a 50km zone) – October 22; however, the officer wrote down October 16th as the date of the offense. Is this worth fighting? Response:  The charge does not carry demerit points, but is...

Error On Ticket (10/17/2012)

Inquiry:  I got a Speeding ticket in CA a little while ago, when i tried to seek an extension, i saw that the information on my ticket is wrong. My birthday and last name was misspelled or incorrect. is that enough for me to go fight the ticket to get it thrown out or...

Quebec Speeding Charge

Inquiry:  I received a speeding ticket this afternoon in Levis, Quebec. I still have my B.C. licence while waiting for my Quebec licence. I noticed that the officer wrote “Que” instead of “B.C.” in the box indicating the...

Incorrect Address On Ticket

Inquiry:  I received a ticket on the weekend due to a rolling stop at a stop sign. I had recently moved in to a new house in a different town and my address had changed. I had a temporary license with my new address on it (a piece of paper) and my old one with my old...