Disobey Stop Sign – Brief Stop

Inquiry: DID STOP AT THE SIGN BUT A BRIEF STOP BECAUSE THERE WAS NO ONE AROUND AT 7:00 AM – TINY SIDE STREET. SHOULD I PAY THE 110 OR SHOULD I FIGHT IT –  CAN I BEAT IT? Response:  If your vehicle came to a complete stop, then you may have a good defence...

Disobey Stop Sign (3/6/2011)

Inquiry:  It took the officer about 20 blocks to pull me over, and upon telling me I disobeyed a stop sign alls he did was point behind him. Stunned that I was even pulled over I said maybe, but after leaving I wondered what intersection the offence supposedly...

Driving Test Collision

Inquiry: hi i was giving a road test withthe DMV personnel by my side. while road test, i failed to stop at the stop sign on in a 4 way intersection( stop sign was only in the way i was going) then in the middle of the intersection the lady who was taking my test...

Appealing A Disobey Stop Sign Conviction

Question:  I was charged with failing to stop at a stop sign. The sign was about 10 m from the intersection, and while I did stop, i didn’t stop at the intersection. Under one HTA, if there is no line at the stop sign, you must stop at the inersection. Most...