Marijuana Charges

Have you been charged with Marijuana related offences while driving? It is vital to seek legal assistance and representation as soon as possible.

Impaired by cannabis while driving a vehicle or boat

Impaired driving is a very serious, criminal offence. Add to that the confusion surrounding the new cannabis laws enacted in Canada in 2018, breaking the law inadvertently is unfortunately possible. A criminal conviction can have detrimental consequences on your insurance, driver’s licence and employment.

Department of Justice – Impaired Driving Laws

Possession of cannabis while in a vehicle or boat

To be clear this is only dealing with cases where a charge is laid where cannabis is alleged to be present in a vehicle while someone has care and control of said vehicle. Impaired by drug charges are still criminal charges and will be unaffected by this legislation. Also note that there is no requirement under the section that the person be driving the vehicle, or that the vehicle be on a highway. Set fines have now been released for charges under the Cannabis Act with charges being laid under s. 12 having a fine set at $175. This is the same set fine as the related charge for liquor under the Liquor License Act.

Regardless of which type of cannabis charge you have received, Ticket Defenders* can help you fight it. We offer a free consultation by phone – please call or email us to schedule your free case evaluation.